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Education through the Expressive Arts

Laughing Goat Productions offers a range of workshops in Drama and Media Arts for Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Schools. Our workshops are focused on the Australian curriculum and blended with fun and exciting ways to engage your students. We know how hard it can be to come up with ways to excite your students in a jam packed curriculum, so let us do it for you! Workshops in Drama, Media Arts, Special Effects Makeup and Girl Empowerment that incorporate the use of modern aides such as iPads, Apps, Greenscreen are just some of what we can offer.


We create fun and exciting learning experiences to support your objectives across the five learning outcomes of Belonging, Connecting, Wellbeing, Exploring and Communicating in a Safe, fun and supportive environment. We love to excite your students through play-based activities and imagination building. The team at Laughing Goat Productions will work with you to create the perfect workshop series to engage your students in a fun and safe way.


The team at Laughing Goat Productions will work alongside you to create Learning Experiences that focus on your school’s interests and needs.Working with you to create an exciting, fun and informative workshop program embedded in purposeful and creative play. We find ways to help you embrace the creative and expressive arts linked to the Australian Curriculum specifically in Drama and Media Arts and support your current curriculum.


Laughing Goat Productions come to you and will work with you and your students in your own classroom to bring alive a new imaginative space in your school. Laughing Goat workshops and Masterclasses are fun, informative, on target and highly beneficial to children from Kindergarten through to Middle Years and educators alike. Our goal is to inspire kids and support educators to help excite passion and love of the Arts.


The team at Laughing Goat Productions have over 20 years of Teaching Experience in Queensland Schools from Prep to year 12. This experience and extensive knowledge of the curriculum is how Laughing Goat Productions came to fruition. Our educators will work with you and look to inspire new ways that you can teach your students. Children are our future and we are passionate about using drama, storytelling, media arts, makeup and more to create positive change in student’s learning, behaviour, wellbeing, confidence, lateral thinking, conflict resolution and increased capabilities through fun and exciting ways.

Contact us for more information:

Laughing Goat Productions
0431 146 398